I also have added more to the Metallicar Illusion Scarf. There are now 7 cars in it. I'm going to measure at 12 completed, and decide if it should be longer or not.

My cat Xena had to check out the quality of the work.

Don't worry, it passed inspection.
And I have started a scarf for my uncle. Actually, he's my mom's cousin, but for some reason, I was taught to call him uncle. It's based off the Mudflap Girl pattern that can be found in Stitch 'N Bitch Nation

All in all, not bad output for a week.
I love your mudflap scarf. I have been trying to figure one out for my fiance, but am having a "brain fat" trying to do the chart. I did download an illusion chart maker but am still having problems. Do you have any info you can share? It would be greatly appreciated!
Aija, shoot an email over to lycanthrophile@imadethis.org and I'll send you info on what I did.
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