Thursday, August 7, 2008

Projects updates

I have begun making a pair of Allete Wings yesterday. As of right now, I have one wing done. This pattern has been an exercise in frustration because I changed the yarn over to Lion Brand's Chenille Thick 'n Quick solid in black, but didn't change the size of the needles. So I've had to be super careful with accidentally adding and dropping stitches. But I like how the wings are coming out. The feathers have a velvety feel, and their pattern is subtle. I'm putting this project on high priority so I can have it done for Dragon*Con.

The ears and tail are coming along. The tail is folded in half and sewn, and just needs to be stuffed. I'm debating on adding an armature so it curves slightly instead of hanging straight. It would also add some support for the belt hook. The ears need to be sewn together and attached to the headband. I'm still determining the best way to do that.

The Alien Illusion Scarf I'm doing on commission now has two heads done. It's not as time critical at the moment, though I do want to finish it since I have two other scarves in the pipeline that need to be done. I will pick that one up as soon as I have the wings done.

And my Metallicar Illusion Scarf is also coming along. Two cars are done, and I'm trying to decide how long I want it to be. I have a feeling it's when I feel I've reached the end, I cast off and fringe it. Once I'm certain there's no changes I want to make to the pattern, I will be posting it here.

I have two other illusion scarves I'm working up a pattern for. One is for my mom's cousin based on the Mud Flap Girl Tank found in Stich 'n Bitch Nation. The other one is a cat pattern that I'm working up and have to test.

All in all, I've been productive.

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