Two aliens observing earthlings.

They realized they were being observed in turn and cloaked themselves.

Why did the aliens leave? Because Dean and Sam came by in the Metallicar.

And here's what the scarf looks like from the hidden angle.

One wing, so I can only fly around in circles. The pattern isn't really visible both due to the camera and the fact that it's harder to see using the chenille yarn.

And here's both wings. They still need to be blocked so they won't be so curly and have the armature added so they will be stiff on the shoulders.

My what big ears you have...

The better to hear you with, my dear.

No, this isn't a black, fuzzy banana. It's the completed wolf's tail. As soon as I can find a good set of mirrors or someone to take a picture, I'll post me wearing it.

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